Oral Presentations
Sharp Color Graphene Monitors
Research Priority Areas

Department of Photonics

Research Priority Areas

  • Photonics, Quantum Technologies
  • Sensors and Photodetectors

Sub Study Topics

  • Quantum Optics
  • Quantum Plasmonic
  • Nano-Photonics
  • Silicon Based Photodiode
  • Hybrid Energy storage Sensors


Nonlinear optics, fano resonances, nano-microchips, quantum state generation, nanotechnology, photodiode, detector, pyroelectric polymers-sensors, silicon-photodetector, laser, silicon-based-energy storage batteries, clean inexhaustible energy, solar energy, near and far infrared (VIS, NIR and MWIR)

Significance and Rationale

In the early 2000s, phenomena such as quantum teleportation, which was perceived as science fiction, were first announced between the islands and finally by China via satellites. Quantum technologies do not only provide (instant) quantum information transfer without being stuck at the speed of light; Quantum entangled bodies (e.g. multiple light beams or atom/defect-centers) also enable the transmission of information to be militarily non-invasive (e.g. jammer). In addition, quantum radars allow us to see objects that do not reflect light back to the radar – invisible to normal radar. Ex. China has announced that it can see the F35s through quantum radars. (Our country's interest and investment in quantum radar studies is known.) In addition to these, the information transferred by quantum cryptology cannot be cracked and/or when it starts to be broken, it becomes clear that there is information stealing.

Therefore, when considering only military applications, the importance of quantum technologies and the fields of study such as Quantum Photonics, Nano-Photonics and Quantum Plasmonic that enable us to produce these technologies are revealed in all their nakedness and "scary". Considering that quantum computers, which are new generation computers, can break the prime number separation on which all our encryption systems are based, in a very short time, the (economic) situations that may happen to the nations left behind from this technology are revealed even more clearly. That is why the EU, which has fallen behind the USA, has started and patiently continues the Quantum Flagship worth tens of billions of Euros.

Although the number of studies on quantum technologies in our country is not low, the number of researchers working on experimental quantum optics/plasmonics is 3 people. Therefore, the employment of an experimental Quantum Opticist under the Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Photonics USA in our University will be able to create a field of attraction in our University, which is already doing pioneering research in these fields. These areas have already been declared as priority areas.

Si-based Photodiode: It is known that among the clean inexhaustible energies and infrared light-sensitive systems, Silicon-based devices offer high performance as well as their features such as uncooled operation, high absorption capability, fast response and low cost.

Pyroelectric Polymers diodes: Because of their low production cost, environmental friendliness, flexibility, large-scale production and good electro-optical properties, polymers are generally ferroelectric used in permanent memories, pyroelectric used in infrared detectors or sensors, actuators, energy storage and radio frequency filters. Piezoelectric fields used in resonant wave devices such as

Development and research of a hybrid device for a harvesting and storage system.

Introduction Researching the feasibility of renewable, sustainable and green energy sources to replace fossil fuels is one of the most important and difficult issues in energy research due to air and water pollution and oil depletion caused by fossil fuel use. In particular, renewable energy forms such as sunlight, wind, rain, tide/wave and geothermal energy have been extensively studied as alternative energy sources to end the oil century. From this point of view, it is recommended to contribute to renewable energy. In this direction, it is possible to use domestic device production in sectors such as defense industry and medicine.

Infrared sensor technology finds a wide range of applications from the defense industry to the energy sector, from the health field to communication technologies, and it is a priority. For example, infrared sensors

  • In law enforcement/defense industry,
  • In the electrical field, maintenance technicians identify overheated joints and parts and eliminate potential errors,
  • In cases where thermal insulation is faulty, in the construction industry: in order to increase cooling or heating efficiency or to see heat leaks, in humans and other warm-blooded animals, for example, in monitoring physiological activities such as fever with thermographic imaging,
  • It is used in the energy sector to detect hot regions in solar panels.
  • In information technology

is used.


Department of Radiation Physics and Applications

Research Priority Areas

  • Biophysics
  • Radiation physics

Sub Study Topics

  • Spectroscopy
  • Dosimeter
  • Physical and biological dosimeters


Spectroscopy, multivariate analysis, biomarkers, urine, Dosimetry, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, radiotherapy, Monte Carlo Modeling

Significance and Rationale

Urine is an important biological waste that is constantly and dynamically created by the kidneys according to the characteristics of the body and contains clues of many conditions or diseases. In clinical practice, urine differs from other biological materials in that it is easy to obtain and noninvasive. Different methods are currently used to accurately determine urine characteristics, but these methods detect a limited number of clinical situations with limited statistical power. Therefore, new methods and biomarkers are needed to establish the correct clinical diagnosis with high specificity and sensitivity in different situations in patient urine samples. For this purpose, urine-FTIR (Fourier Transformation Infrared) Spectroscopy studies conducted in the last few years show that this type of spectroscopy can be an alternative for the evaluation of diagnostic device and possible biomarkers. In some of the FTIR studies conducted with urine containing more than 3000 substances, it has been shown that individuals diagnosed with cancer or using toxic substances can be differentiated from healthy individuals by statistical methods such as PCA (principal component analysis), PLS (partial least squares) and SVM (support vector machines).

In our changing and developing world, it is inevitable to benefit from radiation in many areas. Radiation takes place at every stage of our lives, especially in the fields of medicine, industry and industry. For this reason, the use of artificial radioactive sources is increasing day by day. While aiming to use radiation for human benefit, protecting the health of society now and in the future is the first requirement. For this reason, it is necessary to know the biological effects of radiation on living things and the methods of protection. For this, both physical and biological dosimeters are needed. The inadequacy of physical dosimeter due to its location on the body, the lack of physical dosimeter in individuals in social radiation accidents where large masses are damaged, and the different radiosensitivity of individuals due to biological diversity provide superiority to biological dosimetry, therefore, physical measurements should be supported by biological methods.